Washroom Supplies in Rainford

Washroom Supplies in RainfordWhen you own a business of your own or a cleaning company and require large quantities of cleaning and washroom supplies in Rainford, it is always better to get high quality products from the manufacturer. Wipe-X is a company that specialises in cleaning products and various other items which are needed on a daily basis. Businesses like restaurants, hotels, large offices and shopping malls will require detergents and cleaning products in very large quantities and you will find that Wipe-X carries a number of non-branded as well as branded products on its shelves.

In Rainford, washroom supplies are available at Wipe-X. When a client called requesting if Wipe-X provides a comprehensive range of such supplies, he was advised that he can order the supplies and the company will deliver these within a short time. They provide clients with paper products for washrooms as well as paper dispensers. They also have heavy-duty hand cleaners and perfumed hand soaps and liquid. And when it comes to cleaning the washroom, they have a large selection of toilet cleaners including disinfectant and bleach, which are quite important products if the toilets are frequently used by members of the public. They have a wide range of materials and products in their stock and you can always reach out to them and ask for more details. Apart from these, Wipe-X carries gloves for all occasions, general cleaning supplies, commercial cleaning products, oils and lubricants. And when it comes to kitchens, this is specifically important for restaurants, and hospital kitchens, they have high-quality degreasers and products that will get rid of germs and bacteria, thus keeping the kitchen safe and hygienic.

If you are still looking for a reliable company that provides washroom supplies in Rainford at competitive prices, do check out Wipe-X. The products the company carries will ensure that your workplace, restaurants and schools are always in a fresh and clean condition. For high-quality washroom supplies, contact Wipe-X.

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