If you want to purchase Ad Blue in Ormskirk, Wipe-X is where you’ll want to go. We make it easy and convenient and our prices are likely the best you’ll find. Diesel engines require Ad Blue and if you own a diesel car, truck or agriculture equipment you know this. It’s purpose, which is to break down soot and unburned fuel into water and nitrogen, is exhaust that does not pollute. It’s not a fuel additive as many think but instead works with your exhaust system. Most diesel cars have a dash light to warn when it is time to refill Ad Blue is close. If yours does not or you use Ad Blue for other equipment, we can help you determine the amount and frequency for filling your Ad Blue tank. We also stock nozzles and pumps for filling.
We can supply Ad Blue in quantities from 5 litres up to 1000 litres. In Ormskirk, Ad Blue does not sit on our shelves indefinitely. We’re careful about dates as you must be also. Stocking up is always cheaper but for this product, keep in mind the shelf life is about 18 months. If Ad Blue is old, it just won’t do the job. There is no alternative for this product that diesel engine manufacturers consider acceptable so please be sure to never put anything in your Ad Blue tank but the authentic product. We always have a supply of Ad Blue that is ready to use or store up to several months. You can order it directly online, over the phone or over our counter.
Ad Blue in Ormskirk is only one of our many products proven best for the care and cleaning of your work premises and equipment. We stock commercial cleaning solutions, bathroom supplies both cleaning and paper products, and all the gloves, cleaning cloths, mops and buckets to get the job done, whatever your business is. We can set up repeat orders for your convenience so supplies are replenished on a regular schedule. Contact Wipe-X to find out more about our Ad Blue. We’re happy to discuss with you the best products for your cleaning needs. When you want clean, non-pollution diesel engine emissions, come to us for your Ad Blue supply.